In a decision that does no favours to others such as Microsoft Corp, Hewlett-Packard Co and Borland International Inc facing look-and-feel suits from various quarters, Paperback Software Inc, Berkeley, California has decided that it can no longer face the mounting legal bills to defend itself in the suit brought by Lotus Development Corp, and has decided to settle, some three months after Judge Robert Keeton found in Lotus’ favour (CI No 1,458). Paperback has agreed to pull its V-P Planner, V-P Planner Plus and V-P Planner 3D spreadsheets from the market and pay Lotus $500,000. Lotus’ pending copyright infringement suit against Boston-based Mosaic Software Inc charges that company with copying 1-2-3 as well; Mosaic has agreed to be bound by Judge Keeton’s ruling in the case against Paperback.