Tektronix Inc has revealed its second generation of X Stations, TekXpress, which incorporate TekColor, a new colour compliance system that matches screen colour with hard copy output. Built around Motorola 68030 and Texas Instruments 34020 processors the stations come with from 3Mb to 13Mb memory, and all models include TekColor, X Window 11.4, Motif-style interface, and support Network File System and Ethernet with TCP/IP and DECnet. The 16-level greyscale XP23 with 19 monitor starts at UKP2,900, the colour XP25, XP27 and XP29 models come with 14, 17 and 19 screens respectively, at UKP3,300, UKP4,250 and UKP5,000. TekColor is based on the TekHVC – hue, value, chroma – colour model developed by Tektronix Laboratories in the US, and is being evaluated by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology X Consortium as an extension to the X standard, Tek says.