Cheered by the prospect that it will return to profits for its fiscal fourth quarter to April 30, Cullinet Software Inc yesterday added an Enterprise:Expert 3270 Link option for DEC VAX-based applications generated with Enterprise:Expert. It claims that the Link offers real-time access to IBM 3270-based mainframe applications for firms that want to integrate their VAX-based and 3270-based systems, and makes it easy to create co operative processing applications across the VAX and any 3270 based mainframe application. The Enterprise:Expert is a rules based expert system application development tool that enables users to integrate knowledge-based systems with commercial production applications and database processing. Working in concert with Enterprise:Expert for VMS and using the existing 3270 interfaces to applications, the 3270 Link makes it possible to access and update data in any 3270 database or file structure, be it IBM DB2, Cullinet’s IDMS/R, VSAM, IMS, or Oracle – without altering the mainframe applications. The new Enterprise:Expert 3270 Link is available now; single copy licences ranging from $7,800 to $47,200, depending on the size of VAX system.