Microsoft Corp yesterday announced Windows/386, which brings multi-tasking to 80386-based AT-alikes, for October delivery, and Compaq Computer said it would be bundling the product with its Deskpro 386 until year-end. Compaq helped with development of the product – will it be bundled with the 386 portable expected at the end of the month? – which supports MS-DOS and Windows applications and gives each one up to 640Kb, plus ex-panded memory through a built-in LIM software driver. Existing Deskpro 386 users will get Windows/386, which implements the same user interface as OS/2 Presentation Manager, at $195. Windows/386 also enables standard MS-DOS applications to run in a window or use the full screen, and cutting and pasting of selected data is supported between MS-DOS and Windows applications. Memory-resi-dent applications are also supported. It needs a 1.2Mb floppy, hard disk, 1Mb memory – 2Mb is recommended, a CGA-, EGA- or VGA-compatible controller and display, and MS-DOS 3.1 and above. Registered users of Windows 1.0 can upgrade for $95.