A company in Foster City, California calling itself Invisible Software Inc has been showing off a new networking protocol that it developed to increase network speed, Microbytes Daily reports. Called TransBIOS, the new protocol is claimed to enable the company’s Invisible Network 2.0 to rival the speed of Novell NetWare 286 and works by constantly monitoring network traffic on each connection: when it detects a client-server relationship, it alters the protocol to match client-server flow to minimise the number of data packets that need to be transmitted – packets require acknowledgements – speeding the overall operation of the transmission. The protocol is claimed to be completely transparent to application software and to operate automatically. Invisible Software also now includes its own memory-management software and disk caches with the network. The Model 200 version of the network board costs $215 and runs at 1.8Mbps; the Model 300 costs $315 and runs at 3Mbps for AT bus computers. The Micro Channel bus version, needless to say, is more expensive at $400 for the 3Mbps rate; an Ethernet version costs $370 and runs at the full standard Ethernet speed of 10Mbps.