Although you may not have heard of phubbing, it is something most people have experienced, or may even be guilty of themselves. I myself have been phubbed, but I have also, on occasion, been a phubber.

Phubbing is ‘the act of snubbing someone in a social setting by looking at your phone instead of paying attention.’

As our smartphones enable us to be constantly connected, it can sometimes be to the detriment of face-to-face social interactions.

More people are ignoring those around them to use their phone to reply to texts, check their emails and use their social networking sites.

The website, Stop Phubbing, was launched in Australia by Melbourne University graduate, Alex Haugh, during an internship with an advertising agency.

Its mission statement says: "Phubbing is rife throughout the world. Just imagine couples of the future sitting in silence. Relationships based on status updates.

"The ability to talk or communicate face-to-face completely eradicated. Something must be done and it must be done now!

"So if like us, you think this phubbing business is getting out of hand, spread the word."

A poll on the Stop Phubbing website currently shows 72% of people are ‘totally against’ phubbing with around 4,500 votes cast.

Haugh’s campaign has now garnered worldwide attention.

"It has exploded. I’ve spoken to the BBC, people in Shanghai are making contact…the BBC was receiving ten tweets a minute on the topic yesterday morning," Haugh, 23, told the Herald Sun.

"I never expected this in the slightest. It’s one of those things that regardless of where you are, everyone has experienced it."