Bearing the responsibility of sharing its domicle with Bayern Munich, Siemens AG feels it is incumbent of it to encourage the benighted natives around its US base in Boca Raton, Florida to master the intricacies of soccer, and it has donated an 80286-12 AT-alike with monitor and Epson printer to the Florida State Soccer Association, to enable it to automate many of its administrative functions as it oversees its 15 leagues and over 4,000 members statewide – but the missionary work is an uphill struggle, Siemens finds, and there’s not much time since the US is to host the next World Cup in 1994: Siemens has to explain in its announcement that soccer is known as ‘football’ throughout much of the world; for its brief period of popularity in the US, it was plugged with the tag soccer is a kick in the grass.