Mobile user

The traditional living room is the place for family members to relax together, withdraw from work and virtualisation. Or is it?

A study by communications regulator Ofcom has found that the living room is now a media room where familes watch TV while using tablets and smartphones.

Ofcom’s annual State of Nation report revealed that an increasing number of families are watching shows together again, with 91% watching it every week. However, around half of the households also spend the time sending messages, tweeting, online shopping and even watching other programmes. And half of adults now own a smartphone, while the amount of tablets has more than doubled to around a quarter.

But are these tools ironically disconnecting us from the people closest to us? Don’t get me wrong, I’m aware of the business and social benefits in owning a smartphone, but I’m also aware of the benefits associated with family gatherings. It’s a chance to relax and listen to one another, thereby enhancing the quality of life. But when you’re on the smartphone, listening to one another and treating them with the same respect and interest that you’d like to be treated with becomes more difficult. Or does it?

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