Unisys Corp has launched its XE-530 server for workstations and claims that it competes against an AS/400 system at 30% less cost. It is an 80386-based multi-processor server that supports 128 BTOS workstations and personal computers. The base system consists of cabinet containing an Intel 80386 processor with 64Kb of cache memory, 4Mb of error correcting memory, and a SCSI interface with two SCSI channels. They are capable of a 3Mbyte-per-second transfer rate for asynchronous drives, and 4.8Mbps for synchronous drives. There are six RS-232 ports, two of which are V35 or X21-compatible. Up to 14 additional processors can be housed in separate cabinets with 64Mb of error correcting memory on each. This would provide up to 7.5Gb of internal disk, 768Mb of random access memory, and 234 communication lines. SNA communication products enable BTOS workstations and personal computers to emulate 3270 terminals, perform Remote Job Entry, or interact with IBM systems on a peer-to-peer basis. The system starts at UKP29,000 and rises to UKP100,000 for larger configurations. Thomas Locker Holdings, a manufacturer of materials-handling equipment, has placed an order for three XE-530s. And the South Wales Electricity Board has decided to replace its existing XE-520s with the new servers.