It begins to look as if the mindless type of hedonism imagined by Aldus Huxley in Brave New World will be with us before the end of the century, and a new British company, W Industries Ltd in Leicester, is ready with Virtuality, a virtual reality machine that should be ready to become the ultimate consumer electronics toy and hit the shops at UKP250 or so in time for Christmas 1991 – but you know how these dates slip: the machine uses laser disks and quadraphonic sound delivered to a helmet that contains twin colour screens that deliver a three-dimensional image that can be walked through – according to the Mail on Sunday, disks are ready to provide experiences such as visiting a South Sea beach and flying a Naval Harrier jump jet, and adding the elements to complete the experience by stimulating the other senses – that’s right, Huxley’s Feelies are just around the corner.