Another user of the Corollary MPX kernel, Bull SA’s Zenith Data Systems, will introduce a new 10-processor version of the Z-1000 multiprocessor Unix machine, with the 80386s replaced with 80486 chips. According to Microbytes Daily, Zenith is saying that in full configuration, it will deliver more than 100 MIPS. It is expected to look like Compaq’s Systempro – the Systempro also uses Corollary technology, and is being designed to be used either as an extremely fast MS-DOS or OS/2 machine, or as a Unix or NetWare multi-user computer. The thing will also have a version of Portable NetWare developed by the Santa Cruz Operation and will use the same proprietary bus as the current high-speed version of the Zenith Z-386 machine. Now that it owns Zenith – an enthusiastic backer of the EISA bus, Bull is wavering in its commitment to IBM’s Micro Channel, and will either offer two parallel lines or standardise on the EISA.