As presaged (CI No 1,439), Compaq Computer Ltd has released two new 80386SX-based desktop and laptop computers, the Deskpro 386s/20 and SLT 386s/20. The Deskpro 386s/20 is offered as Model 1, Model 60, and Model 120. All three use the 20MHz 30386SX microprocesor with cache memory design and 16-bit integrated video graphics. The 4Kb four-way cache is said to maximise memory by servicing up to 93% of processor requests with zero wait state, and the standard 2Mb of memory may be expanded to 16Mb on the system board. Compaq claims that the new computer delivers up to 50% faster system performance than non-cached 16MHz 80386SX products. There are four 8-bit to 16-bit slots for standard cards, modems or input-output board, and support for up to five internal storage devices including two floppy disk drives, two fixed disk drives, and a tape drive. Model 1 costs UKP2,700, Model 60 has a 60Mb fixed disk drive and costs UKP3,300, and Model 120 with a 120Mb disk is UKP3,900. The new laptop, the SLT 386s/20, also uses the 4Kb cache architecture and 80386SX as the desktop machine and socket for an 80387SX. It measures 4 by 13.5 by 8, and weighs 14 lbs. Other features include a 10 VGA display, up to 14Mb memory, and standard expansion slots via an optional desktop expansion base. The NiCad battery pack runs three hours between charges and a CD-ROM adaptor connects to the desktop expansion base interface to support CD-ROM drives. Model 120 is said to provide the largest data storage in a laptop with a 120Mb fixed disk drive, and costs UKP5,200. Model 60 has a 1.44 floppy and is UKP4,600.