Apricot Computers Plc has gone to what is becoming the most popular OEM supplier of personal computers in the UK, Zenith Data Systems, to add 80286- and 80386-based laptops to its product line. It is taking the Zenith SupersPort 286 and the TurbosPort 386 AT-alikes, starting now, to be sold alongside the Xen-S AT alikes and the Qi Micro Channel machines. The Apricot Environment Pack, with Desktop Communications software, MS Windows, Presentation Manager, mouse and MS-DOS or OS/2 will be offered on the Zeniths at UKP250, and Apricot will also offer Ethernet boards; the 286 is UKP3,200 with 20Mb disk, UKP3,800 with a 40Mb disk and the 386 UKP5,000 with 40Mb.