Convergent Technologies Inc had two Uniforum goodies – a Remote Input/Output Processor and new windowing office software. The new processor enables up to 512 devices to be connected to an S/Series Unix supermicro via existing telephone wiring, and is compatible with Convergent’s Telecluster network using the 1.882 Mbps RS-422 network medium and protocols. Up to 15 of the Remote Processors can daisy-chain on a given local area network line, and multiple lines are supported. Each has eight or 16 RS-232 ports and supports asynchronous devices and modems at baud rates from 300 to 38,400. No prices were given. Convergent also announced an new release of its automation suite to run in a concurrent windowing envi ronment on ASCII terminals on S/Se ries servers. Called The Office Window, WGS 2.0 is an enhanced ver sion of WGS/Office from June 1986.