Oracle Corp, Belmont, California yesterday began shipping its answer to the Microsoft – Ashton – Tate – Sybase SQL Server in the shape of LANserver Oracle, an SQL database server that runs under Santa Cruz Operation Xenix 2.2/286 and accepts high-level SQL requests from MS-DOS micros across a local net. It is compatible with Novell Netware Ethernetworks when used with Excelan’s LAN Workplace software and network cards, and Oracle plans support for TCP/IP software from by FTP Software Inc and for all other NetWare-supported topologies via the Micom TCP/IP Gateway for NetWare later this summer. The company claims that multiple LANserver Oracles can be simultaneously accessed by a user or application, linking data on each relationally. The programming interface is claimed to be IBM SAA-compatible so that applications will also work with DB2 and SQL/DS mainframe database managers. It is $2,500 and needs a 4Mb 80286 CPU.