STANDARDS The Conference on European Posts & Telecommunications, CEPT, has agreed the terms of a Memorandum of Understanding that, it claims, provides a framework for the launch of commercial public ISDN services to common standards across Europe by 1992. CEPT says the Memorandum covers a common range of telecommunications services that all signatories will provide, and a set of optional services that will be provided to common standards as demand for them grows: support for common standards for customer equipment, a move that would make, for instance, voice, data and video communications possible between all terminal equipment: and agreed arrangements for interconnecting national systems to provide international services. The Conference comprises PTTs, including those of all EC and Scandinavian nations, and network operators like Mercury Communications Ltd, in a total of 18 European countries. CEPT says the Memorandum, which covers common technical standards based on the 64Kbps service, doesn’t cover tariff structures; it is a voluntary agreement with no legal implications.