Computer Associates Ltd has released an enhanced version of its SuperCalc program in the latest of a series of attempts to dominate the provision of corporate spreadsheets. Supercalc 5 is pitched directly at the Lotus 1-2-3 range: new features include a Lotus 1-2-3 coexistence system, multisheets with hotlinks able to link multiple pages of single spreadsheets, auditing and debugging functions, three-dimensional graphics capabilities and an add-in manager that will allow co-existence with third party add-ins. Computer Associates claims it will be able to capitalise on a nine month delay in Lotus’s latest spreadsheet package, 1-2-3 release 3, which should now be available early next year. SuperCalc 5 – which runs on all popular micros starts at UKP400, and users of SuperCalc 4 can get it as an upgrade for UKP50.