Alphameric Plc, the Woking keyboards and Prestel displays specialist that has really been banging them into the City since Big Bang, has agreed to acquire Real Time Developments Ltd of Camberley, Surrey, for UKP1.5m, from its chairman and managing director Greg Walker. The consideration will be met by the issue of 500,000 new Alphameric shares. Real Time Developments was formed in 1974 and has two divisions. The Services division specialises in firmware and software for manufacturing systems, process control and telemetry; it has 28 programmers and analysts. The Clearway division makes a computer-independent local area network system in use at the Stock Exchange, National Westminster Bank and British Telecom. The latter fits particularly well with Alphameric’s Bishopgate Terminals division. Real Time Developments did UKP60,000 pre-tax on sales of UKP1.5m in the year to November 30 1986, when it had net assets of UKP174,000. The acquisition was completed yesterday.