Applied Data Research Inc is shipping Mindover MVS, describing it as the first complete expert system for MVS and MVS/XA performance management since unlike other systems which simply collect data on resources and system performance, it is designed to address and offer solutions to the issues MVS shops face most often – maintaining maximum throughout, ensuring minimal response time and correcting over-use of resources: Mindover MVS works continously, measuring nearly 400 metrics across 12 domains of MVS performance, including CPU, input-output, paging and swapping and consists of a command set and communications link on the mainframe, and a runtime system and knowledge base on an MS-DOS micro, where it needs 580Kb of memory on a 2MB fixed disk, a CGA, EGA, VGA or compatible adaptor and monitor, and an IRMA board or IRMA 2 board for mainframe communication; it costs $42,500 for a permanent licence.