Microsoft has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Chunghwa Telecom (CHT) unveiling collaboration on software applications and cloud services for end-user devices, together creating new business opportunities for cloud services.

Microsoft said that this alliance will allow CHT to leverage its platforms and technologies in offering mobile and cloud services. The collaboration between Microsoft and CHT on cloud services focuses on three areas, software as a service (SaaS), platform as a service (PaaS) and infrastructure as a service (IaaS).

According to Microsoft, CHT will become its local telecom partner in providing Microsoft Business Productivity Online Suite (BPOS) online services. Both companies will conduct technology exchange in the area of public cloud computing and will work together in Microsoft’s Windows Azure Platform Metro Early Adoption Program. CHT will develop and deploy early adoption of cloud services on the Windows Azure platform and offer these services to consumers and enterprise users.

In the form of technology sharing with CHT, Microsoft will introduce the professional technology named Microsoft Global Foundation Services and Dynamic Data Center Toolkit. This joint effort enables CHT to provide datacentre cloud services on the basis of energy conservation, reduction of carbon footprint, power savings, space savings, and enhancement of cloud resource monitoring and management, the company said.

In addition to cloud services, the companies will leverage the opportunities created by the launch of Windows 7 and are planning to take further cooperative efforts for the three screens – PC, smartphone and TV. In the area of PCs, CHT will build Microsoft products and technologies including Windows Gadget, applications such as Microsoft IE 8 and Silverlight technology into netbooks.

The two parties will work together on interfaces for Windows phones as well. The companies also plan to cooperate in the area of digital home entertainment application services for at-home TV users.