London-based TFB Rair Ltd, part of the CLF Holdings Plc group, is the latest UK firm to sign an OEM deal with Altos Computer Systems, for the new 80386-based Series 1000 and 2000 systems. Rair chose the boxes for its major push into the Unix market because it needed a leading brand name for its vertical market business in the retail market and legal professions. Rair and Altos also worked together to implement Concurr ent DOS and BOSS operating systems for Rair’s current user base, and enable it to migrate to Unix if it wishes. The machines will go out under under the Rair and LSI Octo pus labels for turnkey applicati ons. Marketing manager Nick Flow erdew said the Altos hardware would not clash with the existing Black Box II line from Acer Counterpoint: low-end Black Boxes have an AT bus, and will appeal to a different set of resellers, according to Flower dew, while multi-processor Black Boxes will address the higher end of the marketplace. The company will continue to manufacture its low end micros running Concurrent DOS from its Central London base.