From Ian Berrido EurOSInet Account Director PR Spectrum Ltd Trinity Road Marlow SL7 3AN

I am writing with regard to the news item which reported the setting up of the EurOSI net UK Regional Group (CI No 1,551). Firstly, it is not UK computer companies who have proved to be one of the slowest in Europe to take up Open Systems Interconnection but rather UK commercial and industrial companies. UK computer companies have themselves been quick to realise the benefits of OSI, as is evidenced by the formation of the UK regional Group. Sixteen such companies came together at Open Systems ’90 to produce the most advanced demonstration of OSI ever staged in this counrtry. Obviously, a statement such as the one which appeared in the news item is very embarrassing to them. Secondly, David Steele has no executive role in the running of the UK Regional Group. David’s connection with the UK Regional Group was in his capacity as Secretary General of the European EurOSInet Association which is the parent OSI body to which the UK Regional Group is affiliated. He spoke in that capacity at the press conference which was held at Open Systems ’90. What is more, it is incorrect to attribute David in this context as being a marketing consultant. Such a reference implies that (i) he has some private association with the UK Regional Group in that capacity and (ii) that he has an assoc iation per se with the UK Regional Group, both of which are incorrect. I am sorry to have to point these inaccuracies out to you as they are not characteristic of the usual standard of reporting in Computergram. I am sure that you will want to print a correcti on as the impression which your report con veys is very much removed from the true situation. Certainly the UK Regional Group feels very compromised by the report, part icularly with the implied criticism of their own industry, and they have made strong representations to me about the piece.