Altos Computer Systems Inc’s new Altos 486 1000 is being offered as an upgrade for the company’s existing 386 System 1000, and at 15 MIPS will double its performance, the company says (CI No 1,341). The machine, shipping immediately, will run the Altos version of Unix System V.3, which includes additional virtual disk and disk striping features to boost multi-user performance. Sold through the network of Altos resellers, machines should start at around $10,000, with a 4Mb, 170Mb disk system with tape going for $20,000. Future plans at Altos include more 486 machines, support for Santa Cruz Operation’s Open Desktop and Unix System V.4, and machines supporting graphics and X-Windows later this year. Altos also has plans to enter the RISC systems market using Intel’s 80860 processor.