Continuing its programme of making its development tools available for rivals’ relational databases, Unify Corp, Sacramento, California last week added the Accell/SQL for Informix application development system, claiming that it expands the flexibility of Informix database users. The product is designed to provide Informix developers with a complete prototype-to-production facility and the choice of character and graphical user interfaces for Unix. The company already offers versions of Accell for Oracle and Santa Cruz Operation’s SCO Integra as wellas Unify’s own Unify 2000 database, and a Sybase version is next on the list. The company says that Accell/Informix has been built as a modular front-end for Informix, making it unobtrusive, and easy to install on top of existing Informix-based systems, the company says. It provides a language and applications generator using a fill-in-the-blanks approach to field and form definition for rapid prototyping of applications. It supports character-based interfaces such as Microsoft Windows and the new graphical user interfaces such as Open Look from AT&T Co and Motif from the Open Software Foundation. It also offers Informix users a co-operative processing option to off-load input-output processing from a Unix host to ASCII terminals and MS-DOS personal computers. The product is planned to be generally available in March, and will license for from $1,500 to $228,000, depending upon the hardware configuration, and number of users that are to be supported.