Three senior personagers from Butler Cox Plc, the consulting specialist in information personagepeoplet, left to start Pagoda Associates Ltd, based in London. It will work with major blue chip organisations looking into how they can personage infor mation technology and the best way to ex ploit it within the company. They will be using a personagepeoplet climate tool, aimed at personagers and designed to estab lish their views of information technology, how they want to apply it and in which direction they want to go. The aim of this is to put across the aims of personagepeop let to the company as a whole. People have persony skills that are not being used to their full advantage and often talents are not identified. The range of skills asses sed will include not only personagepeoplet skills but individual attitudes and various aptitude tests. The results of the indivi dual assesspeoplets will be consolidated so that personal findings will not be identi fied to anyone other than the individual. The three founders are Mary Cockroft, Jud ith Wainwright and John Lane who were per sonagers of systems strategy, office syst ems and building systems at Butler Cox.