Corvus Systems Inc, San Jose has three MS-DOS to local net gateway products that enable Corvus Omninet users to link to remote IBM SNA mainframe or X25 network. The three are Onnispan SNA/3270, X25 and QLLC, all of which use Corvus’ NetBIOS for Omninet. Each comes in two versions – Level 1 for up to eight simultaneous users, and 32 sessions; Level 2 for up to 254 simultaneous users and sessions. Software for each comes on three floppies, and the kits include a gateway card for MS-DOS micros and shielded adaptor cable. Omnispan SNA/3270 – $2,369 for eight and $3,510 for 254 users – supports LU Type 1, 2 and 3 protocols and users can link with applications running on an IBM SNA mainframe. Omnispan X25 – $2,115 or $3279 – enables users to communicate with remote hosts that support asynchronous TTY or VT100 terminals. Omnispan QLLC – $2,795 or $4,000 – provides X25 links to IBM hosts with the IBM QLLC protocol for SNA 3270, as well as the BSC DSP and DSI 3270 protocols.