Verizon Business has introduced Symark PowerSeries security access-management software and applications, integrating security capabilities for UNIX/Linux servers and systems into the company’s portfolio of security products for government customers.

The company claimed that these new services, available under the US General Services Administration’s Connections contract, will help federal agencies comply with access control and accountability requirements associated with new Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) regulations.

The addition of the Symark offering reportedly extends Verizon’s Identification and Authentication (PKI/Certificates) and Identity Access Management portfolio by enabling organisations to control access to IT systems and information across diverse IT environments using UNIX and Linux data centres and operating systems.

Products available to government customers include: PowerBroker, PowerKeeper, PowerPassword and PowerADvantage.

Susan Zeleniak, group president of Verizon Federal, the organisation within Verizon serving the federal government, said: Verizon Business, through its acquisition of Cybertrust and its Identity Management solution, acquired a strong capability to help its customers efficiently manage user identities across multiple systems and applications.

Adding Symark’s PowerSeries solutions enables Verizon Business to even more comprehensively help agencies manage user activities and address insider threats.