Informix Software Inc, Menlo Park, California is offering a new interactive report generator, Informix-QuickStep, designed to enables users to build Structured Query Language database queries and custom reports through an interface that the company believes will be easy to use for those with no experience in SQL syntax. For developers, QuickStep provides optional Informix-4GL source code generation, so that developers can spend their time customising existing applications rather than writing base code. Reports can be created from information stored in any Informix database, and SQL database queries are built up using query-by-example techniques, using pull-down menus and fill-in-the-blank forms. Join screens enable users to relate information in different tables. Informix-QuickStep will be available on a limited number of Unix systems by the end of this year and on a wider range during the first quarter of 1990. Workstation pricing goes from $360 for a single user to $2,280 forup to 32.