WatchGuard Technologies has launched a new family of extensible content security offerings designed for small to medium sized businesses. The new appliances provide protection against spam, viruses, spyware and malware as well as always-on e-mail security and full featured centralised management and reporting.

According to WatchGuard, the family of XCS appliances for SMBs consists of the WatchGuard XCS 170, the XCS 370 and the XCS 570 series. All of the appliances come with the WatchGuard e-mail security suite, which provides protection against spam, phishing, viruses, malware and other forms of e-mail based threats.

The company said that the XCS appliances utilise the company’s in-the-cloud security technology ReputationAuthority, which eliminates spam e-mail before it gets to a small business network by use of DNS blacklists, IP traffic volume, behavior analysis and content inspection.

For larger businesses with up to 1,000 users, WatchGuard offers the XCS 570 appliance, which provides messaging security for businesses that require enterprise-grade protection. For these customers, the XCS 570 provides bi-directional protection from internal and external threats and data loss prevention to keep confidential information from escaping out of organisation e-mail boundaries, WatchGuard said.

The XCS 570 provides queue replication and also includes compliance dictionaries, content filtering, outbound attachment control and scanning, outbound content scanning, optional third-party e-mail encryption, e-profiling, instant-on data loss prevention, and clustering, the company said.

Bryan Nairn, senior product manager at WatchGuard Technologies, said: Small to medium sized businesses stand at the crossroads of being the most at risk to an e-mail based threat, and yet, the most challenged to have state of the art e-mail and spam protection. Until now, these businesses had few options for spam and malware protection. With WatchGuard, they can have a no compromise, fully featured messaging protection solution at an affordable price point.