According to reports based on data taken at the end of 1988 by the Spanish Ministry of Public Administration, Unisys is the number one mainframes supplier to the Spanish Government, providing 35% of all systems, followed by IBM with 26% and Fujitsu with 13%. The report, REINA 88, also quotes Unisys as top supplier of small systems with 15%, followed by Nixdorf and Olivetti which each supplied 13% of systems. With regard to mid-range systems (taken to be those worth around $1m), IBM had supplied 29%, with Fujitsu on its heels having supplied 25%. As for personal computers, Olivetti had supplied 52%, followed by IBM with 15% and Bull with 7%. The report, conceived by the government as a much needed starting point in developing a management structure for information technology and communications in Public Administration, also claims that this organisation (at the end of 1988) had 13,117 systems with an average age of 18 months and a value of $515.6m. Of these 68% were in the Ministries of Economy, Employment and Social Security, Transport, Tourism, Communications and Interior. Mainframes, of which the Government has 31 with an average age of 3.5 years and valued at $172m, were totally lacking in five large departments: Agriculture, Fishing & Food, Health, Culture and Foreign Relations, while Employment and Social Security had half the installations. With regard to mid-range systems (554 in total, worth $177.5m and with an average age of 2.5 years) most were in the Ministry of Economy (36%) and Employment (19%). The 1,326 small systems, worth $93.4m, were spread throughout the departments although 50% were in the Ministries of Transport, Tourism and Communications, Justice and Finance. Over half the 11,200 personal computers were in Employment and Social Security or Transport, Tourism and Communications. Worth $71m, they were on average a year old. At end-1988 the government was supporting 12,179 computer staff at an annual cost of $168m and had paid for 321 courses. It is now trying to stem the flood of computer staff leaving after training (CI No 1,444).