Netwise Inc has adapted its Remote Procedure Call technology to IBM mainframes, creating the first co-operative processing product to integrate MVS hosts with OS/2, SunOS and DEC VMS. Remote Procedure Call enables users on one machine to invoke and run applications on another to which it is newtorked. The development represents an important step into mainstream corporate-wide computing for the little Boulder, Colorado-based company. Mainframe RPC is intended to provide cultural compatibility between Cobol programmers on big machines and C programmers on personal computers, minicomputers and workstations, preserving their accustomed development environments, salvaging existing applications and adding value to IBM’s Systems Application Architecture by extending it to heterogeneous environments. The product is currently shipping to qualified accounts. Netwise intends to build a library of reference sites and has 15 mission-critical sites targeted. Esso Petroleum Canada, which is recommending it as its own corporate standard, is already implementing it. Pricing will be tiered, like IBM’s, and based on the number of CPUs, with both annualised licences and buy-out available. The company also announced the first Remote Procedure Call for Apple Computer Inc Macintoshes on TCP/IP networks. The technology, which will enable a Mac running release 6.0 of the operating system or higher, and Symantec’s C development environment Think C 4.0 to connect to personal computers, VAXes, Suns and other Unix-based workstations, will be available in October and priced at $3,200.