Unify Corp’s contributions to this week’s Unix festivities are two new products, Accell/Net and Accell/SQL Open Look Interface. Accell/Net is described as the first distributed applications product to comply with the distributed computing standard proposed by Sun Microsystems and Novell Inc, conceived to enable developers to take special advantage of the new generation of low-price, high-performance workstations. It separates application code from the underlying database libraries, enabling users to distribute applications across a network. It supports heterogeneous machine environments transparently, and can run an application as a client. Accell/SQL Open Look Interface is the first applications generator to support the Open Look graphical user interface, enabling hundreds of current Accell/SQL applications to run Open Look over X stations without modification. Accell/Net costs $4,500 to $120,000 immediately, Accell/SQL Interface for Open Look, which has not yet been priced, follows in first quarter 1990.