Rabbit Software Corp, Malvern, Pennsylvania, is now making its 3270 SNA and Bisynchronous software personal computers available for 80386 micros running under Santa Cruz Operation’s Xenix 386. RabbitPLUS 3270-SNA and RabbitPLUS 3270-BSC, enable the 80386 machine to emulate the full IBM 3270 family of devices including terminals, printers and controllers. With 3270-SNA it can communicate with an IBM mainframe using generalised 3270 data streams and IBM SNA protocols and also supports the IBM PC File Transfer Protocol. It emulates and supports IBM 3277, 3278, and 3279 terminals; LU Type 1 and 3 printers; 3286 and 3287 printers; and 3274 Model 12 control units. RabbitPLUS 3270-BSC provides the same set of emulations using bi-sync protocols. The micro can operate as either a standalone workstation or in a multi-user environment with attached asynchronous terminals. As well as the standard 3270 features, the emulations support up to six concurrent LU sessions on a single terminal; a Suspend/Resume facility so that LU sessions can be suspended while local processing is performed and pick up where they left off; a Read Ahead feature requests the next screen from the host while the current screen is being viewed; Browse enables the user to page back and forth through previously recorded screens without host re-transmission; Screen-To-File copies host data to a file; Screen-To-Printer copies host data to printer without host re transmission; Cursor Select picks standard lightpen-detectable fields; Password Security enables definition of local passwords on an LU-by-LU basis; and Record records input being sent to, or output from, the host. RabbitPLUS 3270-SNA is $1,395, now.