Hayes Microcomputer Products Inc, Atlanta has announced communications hardware and software for the Apple Macintosh, ranging from V-series system products for advanced error-control and data compression to a Mac-specific Personal Modem 2400plus. Widely featured in the new Hayes for the Mac product group is HayesConnect, a program that provides modem-sharing capabilities for users on AppleTalk networks. The software uses the AppleTalk datastream protocol to link served devices and workstations over LocalTalk and EtherNet networks with the AppleTalk network protocols. The software supports sharing of internal and external modems attached to Macintoshes along a network and can be bought as a single software product or bundled with a range of Hayes modems and communications software products. The family of Mac products were launched at the MacWorld trade show earlier this month in San Francisco. The Personal Modem 2400plus and Smartcom communications software, costs $200. Smartmodem 2400 with Smartcom is $500. Smartmodem 2400M, hardware only, retails at $500 with Smartcom II software, $550. Smartcom II software only $150. V-series Smartmodem 2400M with HayesConnect, hardware only costs $700 with Smartcom II and HayesConnect software, $750. Smartmodem 2400, hardware only, is $650. Bundled with Smartcom II, HayesConnect and Hayes V-series to the Mac cable it costs $699. V-series Smartmodem 9600, hardware only, is $2000. Bundled with Smartcom II, HayesConnect and Hayes V-series to the Mac cable, $1,050. V-series Ultra Smartmodem 9600, hardware only, is $1,200. Bundled with Smartcom II, HayesConnect and Hayes V-series to the Mac cable, $1,250. The HayesConnect only is $80 and the InterBridge is $800.