AEG AG’s Modular Computer Systems, ModComp, down in Fort Lauderdale, Florida has introduced an industrial software package for process control and factory automation systems. Dubbed Dexterity, it was designed and developed by Britain’s Nucleus Software Systems, adapted for ModComp’s Real/IX Unixalike, and now runs on the firm’s Tri-Dimensional series of real-time computers launched last October. ModComp has taken a licence for the product and is selling it on to customers. Dexterity combines a graphical user interface with windows, pull-down menus and keypads, and can be configured to act as a centralised, distributed or host system, and offers Ethernet, TCP/IP, Manufacturing Automation Protocol and DECnet communication protocols. Although it has its own inbuilt relational database, the application can access Oracle, Ingres and Informix databases via its use of SQL. It can handle up to 32,000 data entries per node and is expected to integrate with computer integrated manufacturing systems. The software will run on ModComp’s Tri-D 9700 series of minicomputers, DEC VAX and Amiga machines – the majority of sales have been on VAXes up until now. Dexterity prices start at UKP50,000 for a full blown configuration, and ModComp has kicked off with an order worth $250,000 from two South Korean companies. Daewoo Motor Co, Incheon, and Hyundai Motor Co, Ulsan, will use the software for partial automation of their car manufacturing plants. Warwick-based Durr Ltd, and ModComp’s Stuttgart, West German division are to oversee its delivery and installation. Nucleus Software Systems is owned by the Dexion Group Plc.