Verizon Business has launched its Burstable Enterprise Shared Trunks (BEST) feature in Europe, enabling customers to enhance their IP networks by allowing capacity to be allocated on demand to support business needs across customers’ VoIP locations.
Verizon Business said that the BEST feature, available with Verizon voice-over-internet protocol (VoIP) services, lets enterprises use idle trunk – or communication line – capacity from one location to support an increase in traffic elsewhere. Organisations are therefore able to optimise their IP network utilisation.
According to Verizon Business, the BEST feature is available with its Hosted IP Centrex, Integrated Access and IP Trunking. The Hosted IP Centrex is its ‘in-the-cloud,’ network-based, VoIP service; Integrated Access is an option for businesses that intends to keep their existing telephone system or PBX but still want to leverage the benefits of VoIP technology; and IP Trunking allows customers with an IP PBX to leverage direct Session Initiation Procotol (SIP) connectivity into their equipment.
The company said that the BEST feature when coupled with its centralised multisite, multicountry IP Trunking design option, provides businesses to implement a centralised IP PBX hub in one European location and to extend VoIP services – including the enhanced features of unified communications and collaboration – to other sites across European countries.
The BEST offering is reportedly available in 10 European countries: Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and the UK and also in the US.