Unisys Corp has taken the opportunity of the unexpected departure of its respected mainframe chief, Hollis Caswell to rearrange the furniture in a big way. Instead of appointing a new president of the Computer Systems Group, the company has combined the mainframe arm with the open systems product operations to create a new Computer Systems Product Group under Cyril Yansouni as president; he is also appointed Unisys’ second executive vice-president; he was previously president of the Network Computing Group. The other executive vice-president, also just appointed, is Reto Braun, head of a new group that combines all the Blue Bell, Pennsylvania-based marketing operations – US Information Systems, Pacific Asia Americas Division and Corporate Marketing; Braun had been president of Pacific Asia Americas division. The thinking behind the merging of mainframes with Unix systems, workstations and personal computers is that the two are becoming increasingly interdependent as we create in the 1990s the seamless co-operative network computing environment that will provide total solutions users want. Meantime Dr Caswell has joined Hypres Inc, Elmsford, New York as chairman and chief executive. Hypres is a 40-employee, $5m a year company working on applying superconductivity to microelectronics.