Apple Computer Inc yesterday added two development tools to facilitate building Mac-to-mainframe links, and an interface system for NuBus co-processor boards. MacAPPC is a software implementation of IBM’s Logical Unit 6.2 and Physical Unit 2.1 protocols from SNA – and comes with HyperCard APPC, and MacWorkStation is a software toolkit enabling developers to add a Macintosh interface to programs operating on host computers. The company also offered version 2.0 of AppleTalk for VMS, which enables Macs and DEC VAXes to share information across a network. And Touch Communications, Scotts Valley, in which Apple has a minority stake, announced Touch OSI Macintosh Developers’ Kit, the first Macintosh product that implements the Open Systems Interconnection protocols. And Simware of Ottawa, Ontario, announced Mac3270, the first asynchronous link for IBM MVS/VTAM, GCS/VTAM and VM operating systems. The interface system for add in Mac II boards includes 10MHz Motorola 68000 with 512Kb memory and bus master interface to the NuBus. A real-time, multitasking operating system is incorporated that supports a services for software running on a card, as well as a defined interface to Macintosh IIs.