Yellowfin, a provider of web-based BI applications, has released Yellowfin 4.1 version with enhanced Geographic Information System (GIS) functionality.

The company said that its new version delivers an integrated GIS capability meshed with its analytic capabilities. Along with static maps, the new version provides users with an improved GIS functionality all within a reporting and dashboard environment.Yellowfin, a provider of web-based BI applications, has released Yellowfin 4.1 version with enhanced Geographic Information System (GIS) functionality.

The company said that its new version delivers an integrated GIS capability meshed with its analytic capabilities. Along with static maps, the new version provides users with an improved GIS functionality all within a reporting and dashboard environment.

According to Yellowfin, the GIS capabilities in version 4.1 includes: Web Map Servers (WMS) to access mapping data from any WMS service; Multiple Map Layers, which allows users to add or remove layers from their maps; and improved navigation.

Glen Rabie, CEO of Yellowfin, said: “As business people begin to use spatial data for Business intelligence in more sophisticated ways they are going to need their GIS capability tightly integrated with the rest of the Business Intelligence platform.”

The company said that with version 4.0, it enabled querying and rendering of spatial data types for Oracle and MySQL. In version 4.1 they have extended this to SQL Server 2008 and other databases. Th company has also been offering integrated location intelligence with its reporting and analysis software to organisations and its OEM software partners, since version 4.0.

Mr Rabie added: Many of our customers have come to rely on rendering their spatial data with Yellowfin and exposing it in conjunction with associated business metrics data to all their people via Yellowfin reports and dashboards. We are delighted to offer this additional functionality which greatly enhances the interactivity and user experience and as a result helps them to understand the power of spatial analysis.

According to Yellowfin, the GIS capabilities in version 4.1 includes: Web Map Servers (WMS) to access mapping data from any WMS service; Multiple Map Layers, which allows users to add or remove layers from their maps; and improved navigation.

Glen Rabie, CEO of Yellowfin, said: “As business people begin to use spatial data for Business intelligence in more sophisticated ways they are going to need their GIS capability tightly integrated with the rest of the Business Intelligence platform.”

The company said that with version 4.0, it enabled querying and rendering of spatial data types for Oracle and MySQL. In version 4.1 the company has extended this to SQL Server 2008 and other databases. Th company has also been offering integrated location intelligence with its reporting and analysis software to organisations and its OEM software partners, since version 4.0.

Mr Rabie added: Many of our customers have come to rely on rendering their spatial data with Yellowfin and exposing it in conjunction with associated business metrics data to all their people via Yellowfin reports and dashboards. We are delighted to offer this additional functionality which greatly enhances the interactivity and user experience and as a result helps them to understand the power of spatial analysis.