Software Publishing Corp, headquartered in Mountain View, California has released its Harvard GeoGraphics 1.0, a stand-alone presentation mapping product designed for business and government users: Harvard GeoGraphics has map libraries for countries, US states, US counties and sectional facilities with three-digit zip codes; there is a city database allowing users to select from more than 60,000 United States and 3,000 international cities and users can create maps based on data in existing spreadsheets or databases; the product provides automatic datalinks to Lotus 1-2-3, and ASCII or delimited ASCII files, and the automatic datalink ties the map to a data file to update any changes made to the source data; it is available for micros running MS-DOS 2.1 up with a minimum 512Kb, 640Kb required for networks; it also needs a hard disk and a Hercules, CGA, EGA, VGA graphics card; it will be available in late March for $400, and current users of Harvard Graphics’ MapMaker Accessory can upgrade $95.