IBM Corp and Lotus Development Corp duly announced the 1-2-3/M version of the Cambridge, Massachusetts company’s spreadsheet, which is to be marketed exclusively by IBM for the MVS/TSO/E and VM/CMS environments on 370-type mainframes. Described as the host-based component of a 1-2-3-based Enterprise Spreadsheet System, it enables users to work together in both the host and personal computer environments. A 1-2-3-like menu-driven interface for file transfer from within 1-2-3 on the personal computer to and from the mainframe comes with the host product. It provides worksheet consolidation, multiple open files in memory, three-dimensional worksheets, integrated spreadsheet data and graphics, and menu-driven access to SQL/DS and DB2 relational data. It also provides access to Query Management Facility and Application System. It is available in the US next month for MVS/XA JES2 and VM/SP 5; in June for for MVS/SP, MVS/XA JES3, MVS/ESA, VM/SP 6 and VM/XA; and in September for the French, German and Italian versions, March 1991 for Japanese. Lotus 1-2-3/M prices range from $15,360 to $47,470, and monthly licence charges range from $583 to $1,800. Sentry Market Research, Westborough, Massachusetts found in a survey in January that 13% of mainframe sites were plannning to buy 1-2-3/M this year, sight unseen. Computer Associates Inc accounts for 22% of mainframe spreadsheet buying plans with its Calc product, and Access Technology Inc’s 20/20 is tied with 1-2 3/M on 13%.