Launching the most expandable VAX systems to date (CI No 1,100), DEC had rather an awkward time explaining why the 6200s introduced only nine months ago were being superseded. The 6300s double price-performance of the older systems, via upgrade of the scalable CMOS CPU, cache improvements, upgrade to six Symmetrical Multiprocessor CPUs, and room within cabinet and backplane for field upgrades. Prices start at UKP144,500 for VMS, UKP121,800 for Ultrix-based 6310 systems 32Mb CPU, Ethernet and disk controller, operating system and DECnet software. At the top end of the range, a six processor 6360 with 128Mb and the above is UKP590,500. But existing 6200 users must either ignore the new range or upgrade to the equivalent 6300 model for a special offer price of UKP8,000, available only until March. For those who don’t make the deadline, DEC will upgrade only to the next model up in the 6300 series – say from the 6210 to the 6320, at a cost of anything from UKP130,000 to UKP200,000.