DEC Deutschland GmbH, expanding on its viewdata information service with VAX-Btx V2.0 version, is seeking to optimise on this means of communication and to ensure more flexibility for the user. DEC is developing internal program data structures and is also aiming towards cheaper data transmission by means of improved communication between external Bildschirmtext computers and the Bildschirmtext switches. The revision of formatting services and improvements to the installation service, operating system and user interfaces are also part of DEC’s enhancements. In addition, VAX-Btx comprises a range of standard applications such as accounting packages, statistics programs, subscriber, supplier and user-group administration and electronic mail. Development tool kits are available for new Bildschirmtext applications and their installation in VAX computers. The VAX-Btx product, which has been installed as part of a computer network in the Baden-Wrttemberg Landtag – state parliament – and in the Deutschen Postreklame in Frankfurt, is now being marketed in Germany by DEC distributor pdv GmbH.