Rolfe and Nolan Computer Services Plc, the futures and traded options software and bureau services company quoted on the Unlisted Securities Market, says the unsettled state of the financial markets following Black Monday has had no noticeable effect on its business. Reporting interim pre-tax profits up 65% to UKP232,000 (see this page), the board maintains that prospects for both the second half and for 1988/89 are encouraging. Its only proviso is that the markets it serves must continue to trade at reasonable levels. As a sign of its confidence the board is paying an interim dividend of 1.5p a share, up from 1.0p last time. The company has the cushion of almost UKP1m in cash – just under half last year’s total turnover – if business does start to turn down. The first half saw 15 new clients, against 10 for the whole of last year, and further orders have been taken since the start of the current period. New customers include three leading Japanese institutions. A DEC VAX 8350 and a MicroVAX have been added to the company’s bureau and a new management structure is almost in place.