Office systems specialist NBI Inc, Boulder, Colorado has expanded its offerings in the desk-top publishing market with a new workstation and scanner, topped off its line of Unix systems with a 68020 machine and cut prices on existing products. The 5000 Pro-Publisher Plus is described as a high-performance publishing workstation that connects to NBI’s departmental computing system and costs $6,500 with 17 screen and software, and the company also has a stand-alone 5000S IWS system at $9,995 with 14 monitor, 44Mb disk and software, the stand-alone Pro-Publisher at $11,695, 17 monitor, 44Mb of disk and software, and complete system, with a Pro-Publisher Plus terminal, a 520 supermicro, publishing software and laser printer for $28,995. The new Pro-Publisher Plus station uses VMEbus and Unix 4.2 so that it can also be used as a standard Unix workstation, and the full-page display has resolution of 1,024 by 1440, equivalent to 120 dots per inch. NBI electronic publishing software includes document composition, chart graphics, spreadsheet, design graphics, spelling, communications and equations. Documents are printed via a laser printer or typsetter using the PostScript page description language. The NBI 520 supermicro is built around the 68020 and supports up to 16 users. NBI rates it at 2 MIPS and says that at $18,900 it is 32% cheaper than a comparable DEC MicroVAX II. Available next month, it can also be used as an IBM DisOSS server. The $10,000 Pro-Scan includes flatbed scanner, 640Kb NBI 4110 personal computer with 20Mb disk, NBI Net interface board and image editing software. Price cuts see the 5000S Integrated WorkStation off 31% at $9,995, the 5000S Pro Publisher reduced 24% to $11,695.