Mitsubishi Electric Corp has released a new version of its AX standard personal computer, the MAXY LT3C range, two 32-bit colour laptops based on a 20MHz Intel 80386SX chip and with a thin film colour LCD screen: the M3212-A14 has 40Mb hard disk, the M3212-A18 an 80Mb disk, and each has 64Kb of ROM and 1.6Mb of RAM, 256Kb of video RAM, two expansion slots on a 16-bit bus, and as expansion options three XT cards and an M3201 special option card, the M6020, or an AT card M6022 option; the machines are very cheap, selling for just under $1,000 for the A18 80Mb model and at around $900 for the A14 40Mb model.