NEC Corp’s NEC Technologies Inc in Wood Dale, Illinois is determined not to allow Toshiba Corp to get too far ahead in the US portable computer stakes and has come out with two new models. The UltraLite 286V laptop is a 6.5 lbs 12MHz battery-powered notebook computer with components necessary to run graphics-based applications such as Microsft Windows 3.0; a 10 backlit screen with up to 20% greater viewing area over other notebook computers; support for 640 by 480 VGA graphics; 1Mb system memory expandable to 2Mb or 5Mb; 20Mb hard disk; 2,400 bps modem and send-receive facsimile modem; dual removable battery cartridge system running up to 2.5 hours and enabling users to change batteries on the fly; and optional SCSI adaptor; it costs $4,000 with external floppy.The company has also introduced the 12.9 lbs battery-powered ProSpeed SX/20 20MHz 80386SX laptop, designed to double as a desk-top machine. It has 1Mb to 5Mb, black and white backlit MonoGraph display, 40Mb disk, modem, costing $6,000, and the desktop Docking Station unit is $1,200.