Prime Computer UK Ltd now announced the new 2755 replacement for its 2655 offering for the office environment (CI No 605), and claims that the new machine will be a strong competitor to the DEC 8300, IBM 9370 Model 60, and the Data General MV/15000 Model 8. The new product will fill the gap between the Prime 2350/2450 and the top-end 9755 and 9955-II and according to the company offers 35% faster processing time; double the main memory and terminals compared to the 2655 with only a 5% price increase. The 2755 will support up to 16Mb memory, 128 terminals and 64Kb cache. The new machine supports the proprietary Primos operating system that runs the Prime implementation of Unix, Primix, as a task. Prime has also added two new disk drives; a 773Mb disk subsystem for high-end machines and 258Mb disk system for the bottom of the range. The latest announcement from Prime also included notice that Common Lisp from California-based Lucid Inc runs on Prime hardware. The 2755 has an entry level price of UKP76,000 and the top-of-the-range version comes in at UKP106,000: a typical configuration including 4Mb memory, intelligent disk controller, 4976 media disk subsystem costs UKP82,200. Prices for Prime Common Lisp range between UKP6,720 and UKP9,600.