Seattle, Washington-based Emerald Technology Inc has enhanced its AS/400 Migration Kit by adding compatibility with IBM’s Migration Aid software. The Migration Kit, described by Emerald as the first non-IBM package for moving System/36 and System/38 data to the AS/400, generated considerable interest when announced last September (CI No 1,003). IBM’s Migration Aid software enables System/36 and System/38 users to analyse resident source code for AS/400 compatibility, before migrating. Consequently, with the enhanced Migration Kit, Emerald users will be able to pre-scan files automatically. Emerald believes the enhancement will prove particularly valuable to System/36 users, whose applications are known to contain code unsupported by the AS/400 without prior conversion. According to Emerald marketing director Allison Cole, users of the enhanced kit moving System/36 files to the AS/400 will also benefit from a series of new System/36 file transfer options. These include alternate indexes, auto compiled library members, Displaywrite folders, and data dictionaries. Another piece of good news for users is that the provision of these additional benefits effectively comes free of charge: the price of the Emerald kit remains $3,000. This sum also includes the Emulator Transfer Utility, Emerald’s MS-DOS micro-to-host file transfer software. Multi-Twin, the key component which provides an MS-DOS micro-to-host link, also remains available as a separate product.