Agfa-Gevaert AG, Leverkusen, West Germany, has launched a software package aimed directly at the corporate publishing market. Based on Sun Microsystems Corp workstations, Agfa-Press falls between low-end desktop publishing systems and full-blown commercial software for professionals, into a market which, according to Dataquest figures, will grow to $1,100m in Europe by 1992, accounting for up to 10% of corporate expenditure on computer systems. Press is intended to combine all of a company’s literature production requirements within one framework, from newsletters through to books, and is able to present a single corporate identity throughout its literature in a document style. The package can combine text, diagrams and photographs from various sources, and gives the user access to a broad range of layouts and styles: finished pages can be previewed on screen before printing. It can connect to a variety of data sources and peripheral devices through a local area network. Agfa claims that the product will also take account of the multi-lingual requirements that the Single European Market should necessitate.